
Welcome to the New Age of Empathy

The Problem

Social Media induces stress, polarization and toxicity.
There is no popular platform for social advocates and political leaders to have constructive discourse.

The Solution

An empathy hub empowering passionate social and political discourse.
Driven by video conversations on social justice.

The Mission

We want to help people of all backgrounds connect at the same level from the comfort and safety of their home. In a post-COVID world dominated by social unrest, our country has become more divided, and it's important amidst all the chaos that people's true voices be heard.

The Stack

Hasura, GraphQL, Node Express, Firebase, React, S3, Angolia, SendGrid

Full PrototypeMeet The Team

User Insights


Meet the Team

Product Manager

Kevin Vuong

UC Davis, 2021

Hi everyone! I'm Kevin, a computer science and statistics major attending UC Davis. I'm interested in exploring how technology can be used to empower empathy, and building off of our work in RISE, I've started a nation-wide, student-run organization to further that cause! You can check us out at dawn.so


Jason Chan

UI/UX Designer

UC Santa Cruz, 2020

Junhee Chung

UI/UX Designer

UC San Diego, 2022

Vishesh Pagarani

UI/UX Designer

Carnegie Mellon University, 2023


Diego Ferrer

Engineering Manager

university of Florida, 2021

Sheryl Bernard

Backend Developer

CSU Sacramento, 2020

Isak Terzic

Backend Developer

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2022

Molly Xu

Frontend Developer

University of Waterloo, 2025

Bryan Zhang

Frontend Developer

UC Davis, 2023

Check Out The Team Presentation From Showcase!